First of all, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and sound; of body, mind, spirit, and shelter.
These are difficult times, to be sure, certainly unprecedented in our lifetimes. The more overwhelming our worries become, as they continue to stack up outside, and inside, our doors, the more we might have to stack up a list of positive things—blessings, if you will—and be willing, or force ourselves, to visit them every day. In fact, the more hellish our current realities might become, the more we might see how relatively lucky we’ve been up to now, in spite of social, economic, and political systems that are fundamentally messed up.
We’ve included our list of positive things in this issue, in the form of thanks to those individuals who made a contribution to the organization through the GiveBIG and other campaigns. It has been so heartwarming for us to receive the positive encouragement of so many community members regardless of the individual amounts. Thank you!!
And thanks, too, to those who have made a donation during the Earshot Jazz LIVE at Town Hall livestream concerts. Whether the gifts were made to the organizations or the individual artist’s accounts, the action and the positive comments have been incredibly supportive. We are all super grateful. Thank you again!
Please be careful out there. Don’t hesitate to be in touch with any ideas or recommendations on how we can better serve this thriving jazz community. Meanwhile, keep your head down and your chin up. We have work to do but we’ll get through this.
Warm wishes,
–John Gilbreath, Executive Director