2016 Second Century artists Inversion Therapy (Dawn Clement, Stuart MacDonald, Chris Symer, Mark Taylor) photo by Steve Korn
Jazz: The Second Century
Deadline June 1
Earshot Jazz seeks submissions from Seattle-area individual artists and ensembles for the 2017 Jazz: The Second Century series. The series brings the progression of jazz into creative motion on the concert stage. Projects that question and expand the conventions the jazz form are welcome.
Seattle-area individual artists or groups, in any instrument combination, are eligible. Submissions must include a recorded sample of a project that can be performed in a concert setting. We encourage applicants to include a letter that speaks to their musical interpretation of the meaning of jazz and of the next stage of jazz music.
Individual artists or ensembles are selected by a blind-jury process. Second Century artists and ensembles perform during July 2017, and are paid a competitive fee for the performance.
Please send submissions electronically to 2ndcentury@earshot.org or by mail to Earshot Jazz, 3429 Fremont Place N, #309, Seattle, WA 98103. Deadline to apply is June 1. You can direct questions and comments to Earshot Jazz at (206) 547-6763 or jazz@earshot.org. A list of past Jazz: The Second Century artists and ensembles can be viewed online here.