John Gilbreath by Bill Uznay.
Actual Optimism
We hope that you and yours are safe and healthy. Congratulations on getting through this past year! Spring comes each year, but this one feels a LOT better than the last one. Here’s hoping that the warmer winds will carry a sense of progress and positivity, and the longer allotment of daylight will help us see the way to better circumstances for all. We’ve still got a long way to go, but it feels like we’re getting “on the good foot,” as the Godfather of soul would say.
Our livestream concert series this spring has been gratifying on a few levels. We’re always glad to engage Seattle’s great jazz artists in paid performance opportunities, but these performances have been sweetened by creative reunions that have taken place onstage. In many cases, it has been the first time that musicians have worked together in person for a year or more. And the comments from our audience members during the streams have proven that the joy of the connections is also felt by the viewers. AND, we’re finally beginning to invite a small number of audience members into our Town Hall events for May. As always, the health and safety of audience, artists, and crew is foremost. Stay tuned for details.
I’ve also recently attended a few of the Tuesday night jam sessions at the Owl N’ Thistle on Post Alley, downtown, and have been warmed by the music and spirit of connection among the cross-section of musicians. The long-running sessions at Owl N’ Thistle absolutely embody the greater jazz continuum, providing a chance for younger musicians and those new to the scene, to meet each other, make music, and learn on the bandstand from the more established masters of our community. It’s a quality hang, to be sure, and jazz to the bone.
We’d like to extend a special welcome to Rayna Mathis, who joins the Earshot team this month as the new editor of this magazine. Welcome, Rayna!! This will be fun!
Earshot Jazz is proud to be an active part of this resilient jazz community, and of Seattle’s greater cultural community. The work that we do, whether through concert production, artist support, or this monthly Earshot Jazz magazine (which has been available around the city all through the pandemic), is all about supporting the artists, audiences, educators, and presenters of this incredible jazz community. And, we do it with your financial support. We hope that you’ll join us again this month when the GiveBIG campaign sweeps across the city.
Please make a donation to Earshot Jazz this month, whether through GiveBIG, the mail, or on earshot.org. Become a member and we’ll hook you up with the monthly Earshot magazine and discounts to our concerts.
As always, we thank you for your support!