Issue Correction

We would like to correct a typo in last month’s issue. A note was made acknowledging the passing of Jon Baque, however, the correct name should be Joe Baque. 

The Tribute Concert for Chuck Deardorf

A special evening of musical tribute and remembrance to one of Seattle’s most treasured and admired jazz artists will be presented by many of Chuck Deardorf’s dear friends, musical colleagues, and students at The Royal Room on February 6. Some of the most recognized improvisers will gather to perform various pieces that Deardorf loved playing, paying respect and love to a treasured mentor, teacher, performer, and friend. The performance will be followed by a jam session, promising to be a night to be remembered by all in attendance. Visit for more details.

North City Bistro Finds New Ownership

Last spring, Ray and Sharon Bloom, founders of North City Bistro (NCB), announced their plans to move to the South of France in 2023, initiating their search to find new owners for the beloved venue, “hopefully to someone who will give it as much love and attention as we have for the last 8+ years.” Those someones have been found in Leah and Taylor Park. The Shoreline couple come to NCB with over 25 years of experience in the food industry and in their first newsletter shared, “We are so excited to be here and to have the amazing opportunity to host and serve you all. We look forward to meeting you and look forward to great times and many fun memories ahead.”

Job Opportunity: Seattle JazzED 

Seattle JazzED is seeking seasonal, part-time music educators to lead music programming that serves students in grades 4-12. $75/hour, schedule is variable, with opportunities for virtual and in-person instruction. Ideal candidates will be age 21 or older, with at least 1–2 year(s) experience working with youth. The educator in this role should be able to teach music lessons through the lens of jazz to a diverse population of students, track the progress of each musician, and collaborate with the education director to maximize the experience of youth.

Additionally, applications for intern music educators are being accepted year-round. At roughly 5 paid hours a week, $25/hour, this in-person seasonal position is a learning opportunity for those seeking hands-on experience in a music education classroom. Ideal candidates will be age 18 or older, with at least 6-12 months of experience working with children. The successful candidate will get the opportunity to support management of programming, assisting with demonstrations, learning to teach and model the curriculum, leading mini lessons, and supporting the lead teacher. For more details visit To apply, please send a resume to Kelly Clingan at

LANGSTON Welcomes New Faces

LANGSTON recently announced two new members joining their team of brilliant, Black leaders in the storied Central District. Sadiqua Iman joins LANGSTON as the new program director, building on the incredible foundation laid by previous Director of Programs & Partnerships, Jazmyn Scott. Sierra Davis, marketing & communications manager, has worked with LANGSTON for years as a contract designer, web guru, and comms strategist and now joins the team full-time! Both women embody Black brilliance and bring a wealth of experience and expertise into their roles. As one of Earshot’s treasured partners, we celebrate with our friends at LANGSTON. Welcome!

Closing of Cafe Nordo 

After seven years in the heart of Pioneer Square, Cafe Nordo’s Culinarium and jazz lounge, the Knife Room, closed their doors on December 24. The two lived under one roof, providing an enticing atmosphere to imbibe live music, art, and theater. In the New Year, the Nordo team have plans to redirect their resources towards a new, large-scale immersive facility for Seattle. A loved venue for jazz artists, co-artistic directors Erin Brindley and Terry Podgorski maintain, “Our goal, as always, is to provide local artists well-paid opportunities while transporting our guests into a fantastical and delicious world.”