Maurice James photo by Shaun Henderson

At Earshot we are proud of our history and its imprint on the local Seattle scene. As the nation celebrates Black History Month, we are honored to continue playing our part in preserving the historical significance of jazz, ensuring its vitality as a Black American art form.

Earshot’s Board of Directors, in partnership with the team of talented and capable staff, remain steadfast in our resolve to sustain the organization’s future. We stand on a solid foundation of 30+ years of leadership, partnership and a reputation for wowing audiences through our diverse performance presentations.

As we forge forward into a new era of Earshot, you can rest assured we will continue our legacy of artful performance curation, innovative and evolved programming, promoting, and supporting each other in community — all while we accelerate our outreach to new audiences.

We commit to keeping you informed along our journey and will provide monthly updates here in the magazine. We will also create opportunities to receive your feedback. Be sure to check out our website as, from time to time, we’ll share key updates there, too.

If you want to support our work today and help us preserve the rich history and legacy that’s been laid before us, please visit

YOU are an important part of Earshot Jazz and we THANK YOU for your continued engagement, attendance, and generosity. 

In the words of John Gilbreath himself, “onward and upward in living the spirit of jazz.”


Maurice James
Chair, Board of Directors