John Gilbreath photo by Mike Monaghan.
Earshot Jazz is honored to announce that we have received a Leadership Grant for Arts Organizations from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF). The DDCF made the announcement this February, naming 16 arts organizations nation-wide receiving awards for their established work and potential continued impact within their communities.
The Leadership Award, which is available by invitation only, provides flexible, multi-year funds that increase Earshot’s readiness and capacity to successfully meet current challenges and address future circumstances.
The mission of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation is to improve the quality of people’s lives through grants supporting the performing arts, environmental conservation, medical research and child well-being, and through preservation of the cultural and environmental legacies of Doris Duke’s properties. The Leadership Grants for Arts Organizations program reflects DDCF’s ongoing effort to direct grant funding to align more closely with the reality of American ethnic and cultural diversity.
The grant supports Earshot’s self-defined, long-term goals for growing community impact. Says Doris Duke Charitable program director for the arts, Maurine Knighton, “It’s imperative we recognize that organizations’ capacity to inspire and make valuable contributions are not tied to where they’re located or the size of their budgets.”
We are proud to receive this recognition for our creative legacy in Seattle and to be a part of this exciting group of national organizations.