Student performers during the 2014 STG Songwriters Lab photo from YouTube.
4th Annual Jazz Contest for Women Composers
Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra (SWOJO) is now seeking submissions for its fourth annual composition contest. The winner of the contest will receive a $400 honorarium, a live audio recording of her composition, and the winning piece will be published. The Honorable Mention composer will receive a $100 honorarium and a live audio recording of her composition. The winning compositions will be performed and recorded live by SWOJO with special guest Jenny Kellogg. Submission deadline is June 30. Visit swojo.org for contest details and online application.
STG Songwriters Lab
STG’s Songwriters Lab, which runs July 18-23, is for young musicians (ages 14-early 20s) interested in pursuing their artistic vision as songwriters and lyricists. Under the mentorship of professional musicians, students learn creative approaches to song composition and lyric writing, along with strategies for navigating the music business. STG’s Songwriters Lab encourages collaboration across music genres and instrumentation; all styles of music encouraged to apply. Sign-up deadline is July 11. More info & application at stgpresents.org/education/songwriters.
Office of Arts & Culture Project Funding
Seattle’s Office of Arts & Culture is now accepting applications for its CityArtist Projects grant program, with a deadline of July 20. The program provides funding for Seattle-based individual artists to develop and present their work. More information available at seattle.gov/arts.
Write Earshot Jazz
The Earshot Jazz magazine reflects and shares the many ways that jazz intersects with lives in the Northwest. Earshot Jazz is seeking submissions from writers: Please email story pitches, comments, news and announcements to editor@earshot.org.
Help the Jazz Around the Sound Calendar
Email news & announcements about jazz gigs, concerts and community events to jazzcalendar@earshot.org.