Executive Director John Gilbreath
Managing Director Karen Caropepe
Programs Assistant Caitlin Peterkin
Editors Schraepfer Harvey, Caitlin Peterkin
Contributing Writers Steve Griggs, Jeff Janeczko, Edan Kroliwecz, Andrew Luthringer
Calendar Editor Schraepfer Harvey
Calendar Volunteer Tim Swetonic
Photography Daniel Sheehan
Layout Caitlin Peterkin
Distribution Dan Wight and volunteers
Send Calendar Information to:

Add a gig to the calendar online
or email jazzcalendar (at) earshot (dot) org

Board of Directors

Ruby Smith Love (president)
Diane Wah (vice president)
Sally Nichols (secretary)
Sue Coliton
John W. Comerford
Chris Icasiano
Hideo Makihara
Viren Kamdar
Danielle Leigh

Emeritus Board Members

Clarence Acox
Kenneth W. Masters
Lola Pedrini
Paul Toliver
Cuong Vu

Founded in 1984 by Paul de Barros, Gary Bannister, and Allen Youngblood.
Earshot Jazz is published monthly by Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle.
Subscription (with membership): $35
3429 Fremont Place #309
Seattle, WA 98103
phone / (206) 547-6763
Earshot Jazz ISSN 1077-0984
Printed by Pacific Publishing Company
© 2015 Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle