Mark Your Calendars for GiveBIG!
The Seattle Foundation’s seventh annual GiveBIG day is May 10. On this day of giving, maximize your gift to Earshot by participating in this community giving event. You can help with a donation at any level. Each donation made between midnight and midnight PDT will receive a prorated portion of the matching funds. Find more information at givebigseattle.org.
North City Jazz Walk Accepting Submissions
The North City Jazz Walk Committee is accepting submissions for jazz musicians for the 2017 event, which will be held Tuesday, August 15, in Shoreline. Artists should send an email, with links to their website, Facebook page, or other samples of their music, to Ray Bloom at musicdirector@northcityjazzwalk.com, by May 15.
2018 CMA Conference Showcase Applications Now Open
Applications are now open for ensembles to perform a 20-minute showcase at Chamber Music America’s 2018 national conference in New York City on January 4-7. The showcases are an opportunity for ensembles to market themselves and their work to an audience of presenters, artist managers, educators, and other colleagues.
Professional ensembles that perform early, classical/contemporary, jazz, or world music are encouraged to apply. No application fee is required, but applicants must be current CMA members at the organization level.
Applications are due by midnight (EST) on Sunday, June 4. Details available at chamber-music.org.
5th Annual Jazz Contest for Women Composers
Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra (SWOJO) is now seeking submissions for its fifth annual composition contest, this year a drum feature. The winning compositions will be performed and recorded live by SWOJO with special guest Sherrie Maricle of DIVA. Submission deadline is June 18.
The contest was created to encourage the composition and performance of the highest quality jazz ensemble literature. This project is supported in part by Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, 4Culture, and the Seattle Foundation.
Visit swojo.org for contest details and online application.
Write Earshot Jazz
The Earshot Jazz magazine reflects and shares the many ways that jazz intersects with lives in the Northwest. Earshot Jazz is seeking submissions from writers: Please email story pitches, comments, news and announcements to editor@earshot.org.
Help the Jazz Around the Sound Calendar
Please email news and announcements about jazz gigs, concerts and community events to jazzcalendar@earshot.org.