(Clockwise, from left) Karen Caropepe, John Gilbreath, Levi Gillis, Halynn Blanchard, Caitlin Peterkin, Angela Parisi.
Photo courtesy of Halynn Blanchard.

Earshot Jazz Seeks Festival Interns

Earshot Jazz is now accepting applications for its 2015 Festival Internship program. Internships run from September-November, and are unpaid and part-time. Intern duties will be assigned based on skill set and interest. Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to caitlin@earshot.org by September 13.

PDX Student Jazz Competition

Portland State University will host its second annual Jazz Forward Competition on February 26-27, 2016, during the 13th annual Portland Jazz Festival. The competition joins prestigious regional student jazz competitions in the western United States, including The Monterey NextGen Festival; Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Moscow, Idaho; Reno Jazz Festival; and Seattle Jazz Experience at Cornish College of the Arts. Students compete in five categories: Vocal Soloist, Vocal Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Instrumental Soloist, and Big Band. For more information on entry requirements, registration deadlines, application fees, cash prizes and partner provisions, go to pdxjazzforward.com.

CMAcclaim Award

Chamber Music America members are invited to submit a nomination for the CMAcclaim Award, which brings national recognition to an individual, ensemble, or organization whose work in small ensemble music has had a significant cultural impact on a local or regional community. The nominee need not be a CMA member. Self-nominations are not accepted. Deadline is September 30. More information available at chamber-music.org.

Write Earshot Jazz

The Earshot Jazz magazine reflects and shares the many ways that jazz intersects with lives in the Northwest. Earshot Jazz is seeking submissions from writers: Please email story pitches, comments, news and announcements to editor@earshot.org.

Help the Jazz Around the Sound Calendar

Please email news and announcements about jazz gigs, concerts and community events to jazzcalendar@earshot.org.