

Jackson Street Jazz Walk

The lineup for this year’s annual Jackson Street Jazz Walk (JSJW) includes Elnah Jordan, Gail Pettis, The Daimonics and more. The executive producer of the JSJW, Eugenie Jones, emphasizes the main thematic pillars of the organization: music, community, and legacy

NW Summer Festivals

Several local Washington State and Oregon state summer festival are previewed. These include Jazz Port Townsend, Ellensburg Music Festival, Bellhaven Jazz Festival, Vancouver Wine and Jazz Festival, and the Montavilla Jazz Festival.

Golden Ear Awards Party feat. Jun Iida

This preview discusses the upcoming Earshot Jazz Golden Ear Awards Party. This year’s event is hosted by Alex Dugdale and features trumpeter Jun Iida and his ensemble.

Tim Berne Trio

This preview discusses the upcoming performance by the Tim Berne band as well as past collaborations between Tim Berne and Gregg Belisle-Chi.

Kaley Lane Eaton

This preview discusses Kaley Lane Eaton and her work exploring folk music – specifically that of the Renaissance era. Her solo album ‘Lookout’ is featured for its acoustic nature and folk influences.

Camp Jitterbug

This preview for Camp Jitterbug discusses Jacob Zimmerman and Tonya Morris and their involvement with swing-era bands and the swing-dance scene in and out of Seattle.

Samara Joy

This preview focuses on Samara Joy and her latest recording ‘A Joyful Holiday’ and her upcoming performance at Benaroya Hall.

Jazz for All Ages

This feature discusses various venues and opportunities for instruction, jam sessions, and dance in the Seattle area.

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