
September 2023

Volume 39, No. 9

Executive Director

John Gilbreath

Managing Director

Karen Caropepe

 Patron Services Manager

Lucienne Grace

Communications and Marketing Manager

Maddy Horn

Earshot Jazz Editor

Rayna Mathis

Earshot Jazz Copy Editor

Sarrah Trapp

Contributing Writers/Artists

David Benedict,
Nathan Bluford,
Nadya Barghouty
Henry Coba,
Paul de Barros
Haley Freedlund
Robert Ham
Alexa Peters

Calendar Editors

Carol Levin


Daniel Sheehan


Karen Caropepe


Karen Caropepe
Dan Dubie
Earshot Jazz volunteers

Send Calendar Information to:

Add a gig to the calendar online or send us an email.

Board of Directors

Maurice James(President)
Jazmyn Scott (Vice President)
Augusto Cardoso (Secretary)
Sheila Hughes (Treasurer)
Kelly Clingan
Christopher Icasiano
Ruby Smith Love
Marcos Zuñiga

Emeritus Board Members

Clarence Acox
Sue Coliton
Taina Honkalehto
Hideo Makihara
Kenneth W. Masters
Peter Monaghan
Lola Pedrini
Richard Thurston
Paul Toliver
Cuong Vu

Founded in 1984 by Paul de Barros, Gary Bannister, and Allen Youngblood.
Earshot Jazz is published monthly by Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle.

Subscription (with membership): $35
3417 Fremont Ave N, #221
Seattle, WA 98103
phone / (206) 547-6763

Earshot Jazz ISSN 1077-0984
Printed by Wenatchee World
© 2023 Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

Letter From The Director

Mission in Motion

Jazz is responsive to its environment. Rooted in tradition, but fluid in creatively adapting to the social, economic, and artistic forces around it, jazz lives in the multiplicity of possibilities. We strive to embrace that dynamic in serving our community as we weather and roll with the changes around us. This new millennium has given us opportunities to test our resilience.

As we move steadily into this fall and the upcoming Earshot Jazz Festival, incredibly our 35th edition, we double down on our commitment to the remarkable community of jazz artists, audiences, and educators with whom we share our love, the music, and the culture.

In response to the changes around us, and to prepare for those to come, the Earshot Jazz staff and board of directors have been engaged in several capacity-clarifying and -building exercises, including a rigorous re-evaluation of our own fundamental beliefs. At last month’s meeting, the board approved the following restatement of our Mission, Vision, and Values. We welcome your input as these have been created to serve the community that you comprise.


Earshot Jazz honors jazz as a vital Black American art form through live performance presentations, artist advocacy, and community engagement.


To ensure Jazz thrives as a great American gift to global culture. 


Artist Advocacy – We believe that Artists are the heart and soul of Jazz. We are committed to providing a safe space for artists and audiences alike, and equitable opportunities that aim to support and propel Artists’ careers.

Collaboration – We believe that cultivating a dynamic jazz community is paramount. We are committed to building inclusive partnerships as a key element of our programs. 

History – We celebrate the Black American roots of Jazz and its ubiquitous influence on global music. We affirm that history through the ongoing creative expression of the art form.

These statements are the result of honest reflection and collaboration through several board retreats and focused sessions. Special thanks to past board president Chris Icasiano for his persistent commitment to this work and to incoming board president, Maurice James, for bringing the final version to vote. Thanks to board members Ruby Smith Love, Jazmyn Scott, Sheila Hughes, Gus Cardoso, Kelley Clingan, Marcos Zuñiga, and former board member Arlene Fairfield for their incredible collective wisdom and experience, active insights, and participation. And finally, as always, thanks to you, our donors, audience members and readers, for your support. 


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