
December 2015

Volume 31, No. 12

Executive Director

John Gilbreath

Managing Director

Karen Caropepe

Program Manager

Caitlin Peterkin


Schraepfer Harvey
Caitlin Peterkin

Contributing Writers

Connor Creighton
Levi Gillis
Jeff Janeczko
Edan Krolewicz
Andrew Luthringer

Calendar Editors

Soohye Jang
Caitlin Peterkin

Calendar Volunteer

Tim Swetonic


Daniel Sheehan


Caitlin Peterkin


Earshot Jazz volunteers

Send Calendar Information to:

Add a gig to the calendar online or send us an email.

Board of Directors

Ruby Smith Love (president)
Diane Wah (vice president)
Sally Nichols (secretary)
Sue Coliton
John W. Comerford
Chris Icasiano
Hideo Makihara
Viren Kamdar
Danielle Leigh

Emeritus Board Members

Clarence Acox
Kenneth W. Masters
Lola Pedrini
Paul Toliver
Cuong Vu

Founded in 1984 by Paul de Barros, Gary Bannister, and Allen Youngblood.
Earshot Jazz is published monthly by Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle.
Subscription (with membership): $35
3429 Fremont Place #309
Seattle, WA 98103
phone / (206) 547-6763

Earshot Jazz ISSN 1077-0984
Printed by Pacific Publishing Company
© 2015 Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle

John Gilbreath photo by Bill Uznay

John Gilbreath photo by Bill Uznay

Letter from the Director

Thank You!

As we get ready to close out another calendar year here at Earshot Jazz, we are all about gratitude. This year has been incredible, and we are so grateful for every aspect of the thriving jazz community that we serve.

Having just closed out our biggest and most successful jazz festival ever, we are still thunderstruck over the quality of the music, the size and eagerness of the audiences, the generous enthusiasm of our community partners, and the open channels of education that assure an even brighter future for us all. The Earshot Jazz Festival has been Seattle’s major jazz festival for 27 years. We are the Seattle Jazz Festival.

Since Earshot’s first full year of operation in 1985, the organization has been on parallel trajectories of service that have taken us both deeper into our home community and wider into the world of jazz. That the lineup for the annual Earshot festivals always consists of a higher percentage of Seattle artists is a point of pride for us, as is the legacy of one-of-a-kind concerts by world-famous jazz artists whom we’ve presented over the years. The resulting benefits have accrued not just for the jazz fans in Seattle, but for the entire cultural community, and our very civic identity.

I’d like to extend special thanks to our hard-working crew: Karen Caropepe and Caitlin Peterkin, here in the office; Levi Gillis and Evan Woodle, on production; Soohye Jang and Connor Creighton, festival interns; Schraepfer Harvey, on words and muscle; Peter Monaghan and Carl Lierman on the fantastic brochure; and all of the brilliant and devoted volunteers who dedicate so many hours to the cause.
We invite you to join us in this work. Make a donation, attend some concerts, and, by all means, contact us with your questions and suggestions. The doors are open here in Fremont, and you can always reach us by e-mail at jazz@earshot.org. Check out our brand new website at www.earshot.org for updates and information.

Thanks for a great year!

– John Gilbreath, Executive Director

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